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Prayer for Vocation

O my Jesus, I thank you for the gift of life you have given me. I praise you for your guidance. I worship you for

your continued protection. I surrender my whole life into your hands. O Lord, your servant Samuel prayed,

"Speak Lord your servant hears." I too eagerly wait to hear your call. You called Abraham, the father of all the believers to be a blessing for the whole world.

Lord, give me the grace to discern the way of life to which you have called me. Lord, bless me to give first place in my life for you and to do your will with sincerity and commitment every moment of my life. anoint me with your Holy Spirit to surrender my body, sou mind into your hands.

Oh! my mother. you surrendered y life before the Lord when you said, "behold the handmaid of  the Lord, be it done e to me according to thy word". My Mother pray for me to Jesus to discern His will in my life.



(One Our Father, One Hail Mary & One Glory be)


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