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Thirteenth Station: The body of Jesus is taken down

from the cross

V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and we praise Thee.

R. Because by Thy holy Cross, Thou hast redeemed the world. 


Jesus did not descend from the Cross, but remained on it till His death.  

Consider how Jesus' body, after merciless treatment and the final piercing was removed from the instrument of His death. Only the holy relic that once held the person of the Son of God remained. St. Paul was to tell us that our bodies, like His, are holy, - temples of the Holy Spirit - and that we must not use them for any kind of banal purpose.


Let us then resolve to renounce all selfishness, which makes us unhealthy, hurts our relationships with others and keeps us from knowing the God for whom we are made. Then we will be called peacemakers and the Sons of God (Mt.5:9).


Our Father.... Hail Mary.... Glory Be to the Father....


Leader: Jesus Christ Crucified.

All: Have mercy on Us.

Leader: May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest in peace.

All: Amen.

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